Haven’t you observed a pattern of thinking or a way of doing things because you saw everybody in your family following it? You could have heard of families with similar behavioral patterns of thinking and experiencing the same situations – generation after generation. It’s not a coincidence. You could better understand it with the most effective and the best family constellation therapy in India. You can take a session for your business too!
Let’s explore this concept a little further: As human beings, there are layers and layers of subconscious conditioning that go to make our ‘current’ selves. Yet, we could be imprisoned in that invisible vortex of behaviors without even knowing about it which does not serve or benefit us anymore. It is almost like an unconscious family inheritance we are carrying within ourselves and living out in our everyday life. It also determines our future. The only way to stop this unwanted pattern is with awareness, and conscious unlearning. The Magical Matrix sessions help you do that.