I Am My Universe (IAMU) is driven by Aaron Dsouza, one of the top hypnotherapists in India. We empower you to reconnect to yourself so you can discover your much – deserved peace, joy, fulfilling relationships, and financial prosperity.
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Anxiety & Stress Therapy
Depression Therapy
Body Organ Healing
Weight Management
Couple Love Therapy
Years of Experiences
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People Healed Around the Globe
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Whether you’re a corporate house looking at increasing your team’s skills; a group of educationists charged with helping students develop holistic skills; someone who wants to move beyond life’s challenges, or simply learn more about yourself. We have a session and therapy for everyone.

Aaron is a young person whom I first met when he was a student. His ability to connect to senior professionals during the course of conversation was evident. He gradually appeared to be able to penetrate the psyche of an individual. With that, he would sift through the imponderable complexities in a troubled mind and prioritize thoughts in order of importance.
There also appears to be an ability to connect to long departed ancestors. Then there are visions of their thoughts, guidance to the living generation and advise for a happier life. Aaron has the uncanny knack of sifting through the confused career paths of youngsters unable to select their goal. He can dissect their dilemmas and suggest the best option.
Pain relief is an important field of therapy. Several diseases have chronic intractable pain and there is a psychosomatic overlay in patients. Pain relief therapy, in conjunction with medication and physiotherapy will constitute comprehensive care for long term management. As a clairvoyant, he has an interesting and unusual career ahead. Only time will tell how he is viewed by society, as this is a matter of faith and not science.
I wish him the very best in his career and hope he gives succour to his clients.
Founder & Medical Director, DERMA-CARE, Skin and Cosmetology Centre | President of the Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists (IADV&L)(2000)
And to my surprise I was actually taken aback in the first 15min when he started mentioning things from my childhood and probably 45min into the session he could clearly state how my mind operates and how I tackle each situation in life. Must say that I was really proved wrong in my views and in fact I actually recommended a couple of my friends to take a session and they did and were truly impressed as well.
I am very thankful to Aaron for being more relaxed, happy and enjoying life. Hope to see you soon!
RUPI SOOMALProject Manager – RR Donnelley [CANADA]
My reading with Aaron was unexpected. I had the opportunity to receive the reading because he was visiting the Netherlands for business. When he tuned in to channel information about me I actually felt a deeply relaxing sensation and it was very clear to me that Aaron is really able to surrender himself to the information that comes through him without the personal mind interfering. The feedback was direct and practical, including affirmations to do as homework.
A good experience I am sure many can benefit from on their path towards self-realization and healing.